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Visit for example, the exhibition of Luciano Guarnieri, called “ Le stagioni Creative” at the Annigoni Museum inside Villa Bardini. It includes 60 works ranging from paintings to lithographs and drawings. The painter, born in Florence in 1930, showed at a very early age an impressive drawing skill. Apprenticed to Pietro Annigoni in 1945, he shared with him the adventure of the “ Pittori Moderni della Realtà”, strenghtening his guidelines of a strictly ruled composition, becoming later in the fifties, the proud defender of representational art against any abstract temptations. The exhibition, which is going to close on March the4th 2012, explores Guarnieri’s” florentineness”. Thence the paintings of Florence most hidden corners, of their eternal beauty and of that special light which make up that unique atmosphere, difficult to be poured into words, but easier to be caught by colours.
His involvement with Florence, far from being trapped into a political engagement, finds its way into pictorial love songs to the town on various difficult moments of its contemporary history, when just coming out from the wounds of the second world war or later after the flood in 1967. He is always ready to fix on the canvas icons of enthusiasm and faith towards his hometown’s rebirth.
Sure of his Florentine roots, his breath widens beyond Italian borders towards an international background thanks to his voyages around the world. He paints, then, American town landscapes during his travel to the States with the Italian writer Prezzolini, or to Mexico or to Prague invaded by the Russian tanks or even farther to Israel after Holocaust horrors. His paintings are able to communicate the visitor the long voyage through Guarnieri’s eyes, a politically and socially committed painter who has always kept faithful to his noble profession.