The village of Montaione is a natural terrace over Tuscany, in particular the breathtaking Elsa Valley. The poetry of this spectacular scenery always manages to infuse a deep sense of peace with its undeniable beauty.

Immersed in the heart of Tuscany, Montaione originally was protected by a strong town wall reinforced with eleven towers and was accessible only through two main doors which were destroyed during WWII. Despite these changes, the medieval layout of the oval-shaped castle with three parallel rows of streets, connected by narrow alleys all converging into the central square, can still be admired today. A walk along the village’s streets disclose picturesque nooks and old stone houses, all infused with the atmosphere of bygone days.

In the main square you can admire the Church of San Regolo and its adjoining bell tower. Nearby the Palazzo Pretorio shows off its façade still bearing the old stone and glazed terracotta coat of arms dating back to the period of the podestà, medieval mayors. Today this building houses the Archaeological Museum.

Surrounding the village are hectares of vineyards, olive groves and woodland with natural springs. Here they produce an excellent Chianti wine, a strong-flavoured extra virgin olive oil, fragrant white truffles and pick chestnuts.

Undoubtedly what makes your visit here memorable is the beautiful landscape of the Elsa Valley which you can admire since Montaione sits at a height of 342 metres. Its green rolling hills, its endless rows of vines and cypress trees neatly lined up, its olive groves and woods, confer together the undeniable triumph of nature in this little corner of paradise.