Archivi categoria: Senza categoria

International Women’s Day in Florence

Today, March the 8th, is  the International Women’s Day. Its historical roots draw backs to the beginning of the 20th century when it was called International Working Women’s Day. Now it is being  celebrated, as each year, all the world … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Culture in Tuscany, Senza categoria | Lascia un commento

Lunigiana , a very special part of Tuscany

Springtime is coming. Are you ready to venture into a special Tuscany, outside the touristy beaten paths? Forget for a moment the stunning cities of art and plunge into small charming villages. Give yourself a treat with  authentic natural parks and … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Culture and accommodations in Tuscany, Senza categoria | Lascia un commento

After New York Eataly lands in Florence

Florence lives continuous changes.  Able, however,  to safely guard its past heritage it doesn’t miss the directions and  the perspective of new times. Many the enthralling things to be done there. Comfortable or charming holiday accomodations are easy to be … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Senza categoria | Lascia un commento

Chagall’s painting: a device to give shape to dreams

There is always something going on in Lucca, there are museums, shopping opportunities and when it comes to food – a basic experience here – the dining scene offers a range of well- preserved flavors. Oil, wine, home-made products have … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Art and accommodations, Senza categoria | Lascia un commento

A love song to Florence

Banish those January blues,  escape for few days to Florence, a town whose plenty treasures deserve to be discovered. Profit from the numerous accomodations offered by Tuscany Holiday Rent. Visit for example, the exhibition of Luciano Guarnieri,  called “ Le … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Art and accommodations, Senza categoria | Lascia un commento