Archivi categoria: Tuscan lifestyle

The Wine and Olive Oil Trail of Lucca, Montecarlo and Versilia – Strada del Vino e dell’Olio Lucca Montecarlo e Versilia

Our voyage on the food and wine trails of Tuscany takes us this week in the province of Lucca, among vineyards and olive groves Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Culture and accommodations in Tuscany, Tuscan food and wine, Tuscan lifestyle, Villas in Tuscany | Contrassegnato , , , , , , | 5 commenti

The Wine Trail of the Hills of Candia and of Lunigiana – Strada del Vino dei Colli di Candia e Lunigiana

Starting on our food and wine tour of Tuscany, the first Wine Trail to be created was that, unbelievably convenient, of our area: Luni & Massa Carrara Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Culture and accommodations in Tuscany, Senza categoria, Tuscan food and wine, Tuscan lifestyle | Contrassegnato , , , , , , , | 1 commento

Tuscany: a map of wine and olive oil itineraries to relish

Le Strade del Vino, Olio e Sapori –the Wine, Olive and Flavour Itineraries- in Tuscany: a topographical tour of taste buds Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Tuscan food and wine, Tuscan lifestyle | Contrassegnato , , | Lascia un commento

Special effects in Livorno with Effetto Venezia

Livorno’s fascinating district, Venezia Nuova, is the backdrop to the international folkloristic event Effetto Venezia. Music, shows, installations, street entertainment, international food and much more await you along the magnificent maze of canals of this amazing city. Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Folklore and accommodations in Tuscany, Music and events, Tuscan lifestyle | Contrassegnato , , , , | Lascia un commento

UNESCO’s World Heritage List adds other 14 Tuscan locations – Part Two

Last time we embarked on visiting the recently inscribed UNESCO’s World Heritage properties: the Medici villas and gardens in Tuscany Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Culture and accommodations in Tuscany, Tuscan lifestyle, Villas in Tuscany | Contrassegnato , , , | Lascia un commento