In these days our worldwide community has been suspended for the challenge we all are now facing. For the first time ever, travelling has been put on standby for the health and safety of us all. An unprecedented event for our industry.
In these days of travel restrictions, we and our colleagues are united in giving you all some respite from the tensions and frustrations of living in lockdown, with your lives uprooted in ways we honestly could never have imagined.

Daily I post photos and videos on our Facebook pages, Tuscany Holiday Rent, on Tuscany, and Not Only Tuscany Holiday Rent, devoted to Andalusia, Corsica, Liguria and Sardinia, to bring solace to our followers, to introduce colour and sunshine into their homes, to allow them to travel beyond their walls, but above all to celebrate the people and cultures that make this world truly magical. Welcome to the Era of Armchair Tourism.
Because we all deserve something to look forward, I suggest you use this extra time to start planning your first holiday when you can travel again after this compelled quarantine. Especially if you need a break to decompress or even to reconnect with one another after being apart for so long. Take a look at our website and read the articles in this blog. Visit our Facebook pages and the regions depicted in them and be inspired. And for the more daring wanting to already book a holiday, I remind that in case of natural disasters and disease outbreaks, our policy is total refund so go serenely ahead and book now.

Someday soon, we’ll be snatching up our passports and bags and heading out to our next adventures. In the meanwhile remember, stay safe, stay well.