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Lucca celebrates its Feast of the Cross

An ancient relic, a millenary tradition, a magnificent walled town. These the ingredients of Lucca’s major celebration. Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Events in Lucca, Lucca, Tuscan churches and cathedrals, Tuscan traditions | Contrassegnato , | Lascia un commento

Sansepolcro, celebrating tradition with its Palio della Balestra

In the Valtiberina for over 400 years there’s a town doing its best to keep traditions alive. Hoist your crossbows and salute Sansepolcro and its Palio della Balestra. Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Arezzo, Churches and cathedrals in Tuscany, Events in Valtiberina, Tuscan traditions, Valtiberina | Contrassegnato , , , , | Lascia un commento

Tria Turris, when Chiusi goes medieval

Chiusi returns to the Middle Ages with Tria Turris. Races, archery tournaments, bizarre football games and more are waiting for you from Jun 23 to 25. Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Events around Siena, Events in Valdichiana, Folklore in Tuscany, Senza categoria, Siena, Tuscan lifestyle, Tuscan traditions, Valdichiana | Contrassegnato , , , , | Lascia un commento

Pistoia and its Giostra dell’Orso

Tradition and tournaments in the heart of beautiful Pistoia with its Giostra dell’Orso, the Joust of the Bear. Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Events in Pistoia, Folklore in Tuscany, Pistoia, Tuscan lifestyle, Tuscan towns and cities, Tuscan traditions | Contrassegnato , , | Lascia un commento

The last Medici, the Electress Palatine who saved Florence’s art

How Anna Maria Luisa turned Florence into the worldwide capital of art and tourism. Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in Culture in Tuscany, Events in Florence, Florence, Tuscan towns and cities, Tuscan traditions, Tuscany | Contrassegnato , , , | Lascia un commento